Junior High

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Our Junior High pupils study in a Chinese and English learning environment with the curriculum deliberately designed to promote the very highest standards of bilingualism. From grades 6 to 9, pupils’ exploration of each subject becomes much deeper and richer than the primary level, as they develop their thinking abilities and language skills across all subject areas, which is required to become fully bilingual. 


The Junior High curriculum builds on the foundation of our unique primary curriculum – within the rigorous framework of the Chinese national curriculum – while also blending in the most appropriate and effective elements of the Western educational ethos. This successfully prepares the pupils in our care for the further international education they will receive after they move up to High School. 


The educational model for Junior High is structured around the Hiba Values and Identity, to ensure that pupils are Inspired, Intellectual, Independent, Individual and Inclusive. Chinese and international staff work closely to provide deep learning experiences in every area, helping pupils to develop their own methods of studying, discover their strengths and potential while becoming more confident, responsible and independent in their learning. Pupils learn in an environment that not only exposes them to challenging subject contents, but also requires them to engage with their education in a way that promotes communication, creativity and critical thinking.


Physical Education
Delivered by Western specialist staff members, the PE curriculum is designed to develop children’s physical wellbeing, stamina and capabilities. High level skills allow pupils to excel in various sports while developing greater confidence and teamwork abilities. Children are given the opportunity to experiment with a wide range of sports.
The Arts
These subjects are delivered by Western specialist teachers who have a great deal of experience. Pupils develop a broad range of artistic skills while gaining confidence as practitioners, acquiring a deep appreciation for the arts. Individual performances or displays alongside critical evaluation form a large component of arts-based learning.

The subject of Chinese is understandably of great importance to us, as it bears the responsibility of promoting the Chinese language and culture. We use the textbooks developed by the Ministry of Education for all local schools, alongside selected teaching materials; for example, resources about hard-tipped pen calligraphy, brush calligraphy, comprehensive learning and classic literature. This approach is designed to ensure that our pupils have the same level of native language proficiency as their peers and even their elders from any non-bilingual setting. 

Pupils have four Chinese teaching sessions each week, which focus on developing their ability to identify, analyse and solve problems in creative ways, while encouraging them to express their thoughts and opinions about the wider world in an articulate manner.

We follow the English national curriculum as it enables pupils to develop far better language skills than those demanded by the Shanghai English curriculum. Pupils leaving grade 8 for High School will be fully prepared to adapt to any international curriculum in English without undue difficulty, including learning subjects such as economics, history and global perspectives, all of which require an especially high level of English fluency. Our aim is that by the time they leave us to pursue a university education, all of our pupils will have become truly bilingual, not only in their linguistic abilities, but also in terms of historical knowledge, cultural appreciation, thinking patterns and problem solving.
Bilingual mathematics curriculum at Hiba is a combination of two distinctly different sets of thinking patterns and practices. After a careful comparison of the different mathematics curriculums used in China and various Western countries, Hiba strives to take the strengths of each system by hiring bilingual practitioners who are experienced in teaching both. Language acquisition is enhanced through mathematics learning to help prepare pupils for an international curriculum when they move up to High School.
Social Studies
Chinese and English staff work closely together, with each responsible for teaching geography, history, society and moral development in their native languages. Teaching partners plan collaboratively, each linking their teaching content with the other. This model helps to build a foundation for studying English cultural subjects in High School and provides further language immersion experiences.
After conducting a rigorous comparison of the Chinese and English national science curriculums, we have designed our own, which is based on the Chinese national curriculum while striving to challenge and extend our pupils by adding more technical and difficult teaching content. Flexible teaching methods are used to encourage investigation and experimentation. We aim to equip our pupils with a scientific, logic-based attitude, combined with the courage to raise different opinions and always pursue the truth. We also aim to help them develop a better understanding of the connections between technology, science and our evolving global society.
Led by an experienced and dedicated Western ICT teacher, pupils experience a rich and efficient curriculum, continuing to build on the wide range of skills acquired during their Primary School years to ensure they will excel in this digital world. Our first-class facilities provide all pupils with access to advanced technology, which is used across all subjects.




Where Next

The Hiba Academy Shanghai Community is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of its pupils.